If my leased vehicle has hail damage, should I get the hail damage repaired or just leave it?
With most car leases, the leaser will require that you get a comprehensive insurance policy for the life of the lease. This protects both you and the leaser the expense of repairing what could be a very large repair bill.
This is very true for vehicle leasers that live in Northern Texas. The Hail Shop USA gets multiple auto hail damage inspection requests from vehicle leasers whose vehicles had been left unprotected in one of the many infamous severe hail storms.
Scheduling a free hail damage inspection should be the first step you take.

What does Normal Wear & Tear mean?
When you signed the contract with the leasing company, you might remember reading the section about “Normal Wear and Tear.” The Normal Wear and Tear section basically means that if you have under 5 scratches, dings, stains, or tears – the leasing company will accept the vehicle without repair obligation. If the dented area has paint damage, that repair responsibility goes to you. For a detailed breakdown of acceptable and unacceptable NW&T – visit here.
What Happens if I Don’t Repair Hail Damage on a Leased Vehicle?
The leasing company will charge you more than you would spend out-of-pocket by getting the repairs done at a local paintless dent repair company.
How Much Does Hail Damage Repair Cost on a Leased Vehicle
If you have comprehensive insurance coverage on your leased vehicle, your hail damage repair is completely covered under your policy. Acts of God such as hail, wind, rain, and storms are covered. Your only obligation is the deductible. At The Hail Shop USA, hail damage repair won’t cost you a dime.
We offer a deductible-forgiveness program for leased vehicles that will 100% cover the cost of your deductible.
If you have any questions about auto hail damage repair on a leased vehicle or if you would like to schedule a free inspection, simply fill out our online form and we will take care of you!
We offer free inspections at your location or ours.